California's judges will now have to post all their financial disclosure information in cyberspace.

In a unanimous decision, the state's Fair Political Practices Commission on Thursday approved a rule that requires California's more than 1,700 judges to post their disclosure forms on the Internet, despite objections from judicial leaders that it could jeopardize their privacy and security.

The FPPC decided to impose the 2-year-old rule on judges that already had been applied to the rest of the state's elected officials.

The judges' financial disclosure forms are already available publicly at individual courthouses, but groups such as the California Judges Association opposed putting that same information on the Internet, saying that angry litigants should not have such easy access to a judge's personal information.

To offset the judges' concerns, the FPPC included provisions that allow judges to have some information redacted before it is posted online, such as home addresses and names or workplace addresses of family members.

Howard Mintz covers legal affairs. Contact him at 408-286-0236; follow him at