Guardian Small Business Network launches - The Guardian
The Guardian Small Business Network has launched today in association with Lloyds TSB Commercial.
The Network will provide resources such as online Q&A sessions, expert blogs and case studies to support the owners and employers of small and medium businesses. It will follow in the footsteps of the Guardian's other digital-led Networks such as Guardian Sustainable Business and the Guardian Teacher Network, providing an online forum for debate as well as live events for networking.
The inspiration for the site came from the Guardian's commitment to provide a professional product for its readers. Realising the difficulties that small businesses face in the economic climate, the site aims to give them instant access to resources which can help them shore up and build their businesses.
Defining small business as any company with a turnover below £15m means the site will provide advice not just on starting your own business but also on growing sales, exporting to new markets and managing cashflow. In particular it will focus on giving readers access to the expertise that will help support their business in the future. For example, whilst small business owners will be experts in their own business they may not have specialist knowledge about marketing or accounts management. The Guardian Small Business Network will suggest ways they can grow their contacts book to find this support outside their own offices through joining professional bodies, finding a mentor or improving their networking skills.
The Network is made up of three main components. The site itself will contain blogs from professionals discussing their experiences and the lessons learnt. There will also be live Q&As where readers have the opportunity to quiz a panel of sector experts on specific topics, gaining instant access to people who can help them handle the day-to-day problems that come with running your own business.
The best practice exchange will feature case studies from businesses across the UK. Any company which believes it is doing something innovative or different in the four categories of winning new business, cashflow, exporting to new markets and starting up, can submit its case study to the judging panel. All those that meet the criteria will be published on the Guardian Small Business Network within the best practice exchange, and the winning entries for each category will be featured in the Guardian.
Finally, the Guardian Small Business Network will also provide readers with a chance to build their contacts book by attending one of twelve breakfast seminars that will be taking place around the country. Run with the Institute of Directors these events will give business managers a chance to hear from industry experts and to network with their peers.
Readers can become a member of the Guardian Small Business Network for free by signing up here. Members will receive all the latest from the network including a weekly newsletter, updates on our regional events and Best Practice Exchange.
Markets Relieved at Spain Bailout Deal, Financial World Still Worried - Daily Beast
Nonetheless, the commentary from the financial world was a resounding, “Yes, but…” Financeland and its attendant media have become weary, cynical, and dismissive, the result of three years of ongoing crises of confidence in the eurozone. It’s Greece one day, Italy the next, then Spain or Portugal, then stern words from cash-rich but idea-poor Germany, then mixed signals from the French. All the while increasingly worried Italians, Spanish, Greeks, and others withdraw money from their bank accounts as the rhetoric turns ever more grim.
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